Pre-Disturbance Environmental Services

  • Standard Pre-Disturbance Assessment (PDA)– Prior to construction of leases, access roads and pipelines we can perform a standard field assessment for the project that focuses on providing an accurate soils assessment to assist construction activities and future reclamation efforts.  A vegetation assessment and a site description are included in this assessment to provide a general site overview prior to disturbance.  Our standard PDA includes a nine point soils assessment on the proposed lease site with one soil point for every 100m of access road.  Based on client request we can increase sampling to a 16 or 25 point survey on leases.  A summary PDA report with construction recommendations is provided to the client.

  • Siting and Routing – In the preliminary stages of planning a project we can assist in selecting a location for your development that will result in less regulatory hurdles. Typically one of our qualified technicians with a background in regulatory guidelines, wetlands and wildlife training would accompany the construction coordinator and or survey crew during the initial site selection stages.  By identifying wetlands and other environmental concerns during the siting and routing stage we can eliminate the need for wetland assessments and non-standard well applications prior to final site selection. This value added service can stream line a project and reduce approval times and environmental costs by selecting a site that will have less environmental concerns. In the event that a site does have outstanding concerns we will provide recommendations and outline regulatory needs early in the process to assist in gaining approval for the site.

  • Desktop Reviews – If a field assessment is not requested we can complete a comprehensive desktop review including FWMIS, LAT Report, GLIMPS, ACIMS, HRV, aerial imagery review and an AGRISID soils summary.  Any potential issues found during the desktop review will be reported as well as any recommended field work.

  • Wildlife Surveys – Wildlife surveys include a complete review of wildlife LAT layers and a FWMIS request to the regional Wildlife Biologist to identify any known wildlife concerns in the vicinity of a proposed project. Then a detailed field assessment of the location is completed to determine the presence of any species of concerns and/or key habitat features.

  • Pre-Construction Wildlife Sweeps – During the migratory birds Restricted Activity Period (RAP) we can conduct a sweep of the proposed location prior to construction to identify any nesting birds or other wildlife concerns. This should be completed within seven days of construction activities in areas with potential nesting habitat or other wildlife concerns to be compliant with the Migratory Birds Act.

  • Spill Management – We can assist you with the overall management of your spill sites. Services include reporting, confirmatory sampling, management of clean up and any required regulatory consultation.

Regulatory Environmental Services

  • Detailed Environmental Overview (EO) – We offer a more comprehensive site assessment that can be used to assist in regulatory approvals.  Prior to our field assessment a comprehensive desktop review including FWMIS, LAT Report, ACIMS, HRV, aerial imagery review and an AGRISID soils summary is completed to identify any potential issues with the proposed location.  We complete a comprehensive field assessment that includes a general site overview, soils assessment, vegetation assessment, wetlands assessment and wildlife assessment.  A complete review of the site is included that outlines any regulatory requirements (i.e., identify wetlands in proximity to location and identify environmental concerns, provide mitigation recommendations). Results from both the desktop review and field assessment are compiled into a detailed report including recommendations and potential mitigation requirements.

  • Wetland Assessments - We can conduct field surveys to determine presence of any wetlands in vicinity of a project.  Any wetlands will be classified and delineated by a Qualified Wetlands Environmental Specialist (QWAES).  In addition to the field assessment a review of historical aerial imagery is conducted and a letter style overview report with any relevant recommendations is prepared.  Snow free conditions are preferred to complete wetland assessments to ensure no features are missed, furthermore if the wetland assessment is completed in order to submit Water Act Applications the assessment has to be conducted in snow free conditions. 

    • Water Act Applications – For any development that will have a direct adverse effect on a wetland a Water Act approval is required and compensation for loss of wetland area may be required. After completing a wetland survey we can complete and submit Water Act applications on your behalf.

    • Code of Practice Notifications (COP) – For temporary disturbance’s to wetlands along pipeline right-of-ways (ROW) we can complete COP notifications prior to construction activities after completing a wetland assessment on the ROW.

  • Enhanced Approval Procedure (EAP) Field Assessments – Our qualified personnel can conduct a field assessment and associated desktop review that provides all information required to submit an EAP application including a detailed review of the integrated standards and guidelines for the proposed project. A report can be submitted with all of the information required to submit an EAP application directly by the proponent or we can assist in the preparation and submission of the application directly for the proponent.

  • Environmental Field Review (EFR) – For any projects requiring an EFR we can complete the required site assessment, desktop review, regulatory consultation and all reporting required to submit EFR applications. As a value added service we can do this in conjunction with a detailed Environmental Overview Assessment if you would like additional information for your site.

  • Environmental Reviews (ER) for Special Areas developments – For any projects that fall within the Special Areas of Alberta we can complete and submit an ER for your development.  The need for a field assessment will be determined on a site by site basis based on the outcome a detailed desktop review of the site.  As a value added service we can do this in conjunction with a detailed Environmental Overview Assessment if you would like additional information for your site.

  • Saskatchewan Private Land Checklists – All projects on private land in Saskatchewan require the completion of a Saskatchewan Private Land Checklist. We can complete all checklist assessments for private land locations in Saskatchewan and provide mitigation reports for any locations that do not fall within the standard approval process to assist in gaining approval for your projects.  As a value added service we can do this in conjunction with a detailed Environmental Overview Assessment if you would like additional information for your site.

Pre-Disturbance Environmental Services

  • Siting and Routing: In the preliminary stages of planning a project we can assist in selecting a route for the proposed right-of-way to avoid environmental sensitivities that will result in less regulatory hurdles.   A qualified technician with a background in regulatory guidelines, wetlands and wildlife training would accompany the construction coordinator and or survey crew during the initial site selection stages.  By identifying wetlands and other environmental concerns during the siting and routing stage we can stream line a project, reduce approval times and environmental costs by selecting a route with less environmental concerns and provide recommendations and outline regulatory needs early in the process to assist in gaining approval for the site.

  • Standard Pre-Disturbance Assessment (PDA): Prior to construction of pipelines we can perform a standard assessment for the project that focusses on providing an accurate soils assessment to assist construction activities and future reclamation efforts.  Our standard PDA includes a soils and vegetation assessment point for every 100m of pipeline right-of-way.  Upon client request we can adjust sampling intensity to meet specific client requirements.   A summary PDA report with construction recommendations is provided to the client.

  • Detailed Environmental Overview (EO): We offer a more comprehensive site assessment that can be used to assist in regulatory approvals.  Prior to our field assessment a comprehensive desktop review including FWMIS, LAT Report, ACIMS, HRV, aerial imagery review and an AGRISID soils summary is completed to identify any potential issues with the proposed location.  We complete a comprehensive field assessment that includes a general site overview, soils assessment, vegetation assessment, wetlands assessment and wildlife assessment.  A complete review of the site is included that outlines any regulatory requirements (i.e., identify wetlands in proximity to location and identify environmental concerns, provide mitigation recommendations). Results from both the desktop review and field assessment are compiled into a detailed report including recommendations and potential mitigation requirements, results of this assessment forms the basis EAP or EFR applications.

  • Wildlife Surveys: Wildlife surveys include a complete review of wildlife LAT layers and a FWMIS request to the regional Wildlife Biologist to identify any known wildlife concerns in the vicinity of a proposed project. A detailed wildlife survey of the location is then completed to determine the presence of any species of concerns and/or key habitat features. Wildlife surveys can be a broad spectrum or species specific dependent upon site requirements. 

Pipeline Construction Services

  • Environmental Inspection:  WEI can provide experienced Environmental Inspectors (EI’s) to provide environmental expertise during construction of pipelines to provide guidance and implement any mitigation outlined in the Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) or the regulatory approval for the Project.  EI’s can assist in identifying any environmental concerns encountered during the project and offer in-field guidance to ensure the most efficient completion of the project while ensuring regulatory compliance with no adverse environmental effects. 

  • Environmental Monitoring: For smaller pipeline construction projects where an Environmental Inspector is not required but portions of the project require environmental monitoring based upon a regulatory approval or discovery of a sensitive feature during construction. Situations that may require environmental monitoring include but are not limited to, construction in close proximity to wetlands or other sensitive features, monitoring clubroot wash stations, installation of silt fencing and monitoring of sensitive wildlife features such as raptor nests, hibernacula or lek sites.

  • Pre-Construction Wildlife Sweeps: During the migratory birds Restricted Activity Period (RAP) we can conduct a sweep of the proposed location prior to construction to identify any nesting birds or other wildlife concerns. This should be completed within seven days of construction activities in areas with potential nesting habitat or other wildlife concerns to be compliant with the Migratory Birds Act.

  • Water Monitoring: During HDD operations involving water or wetlands WEI can supply HDD Monitors to monitor the water quality to ensure that any frac outs are discovered before they can have any significant impact on the water body.  Meters are left at sample points 24 hrs a day and record the turbidity data.  The meters are checked routinely during drilling operations to assess any frac outs.  This data is downloaded every morning and is provided to the client in a spreadsheet in the final report to show the water quality throughout the drilling operations.

  •  Frac Walks/Inspection: Frac Walks are performed during the drilling operations, typically in conjunction with water monitoring.  The HDD monitor is looking for any evidence of drilling fluid fraccing out through the surrounding formations.  This may occur in a water body such as a stream or pond, in a wetland such as marsh or muskeg or in the upland areas.  The areas would be routinely inspected and assessed.  

Pipeline Regulatory Services

  • Wetland Assessments: We can conduct field surveys to determine presence of any wetlands on or in close vicinity to the pipeline right-of-way.  In addition to the field assessment a review of historical aerial imagery is conducted and a letter style overview report with any relevant recommendations is prepared.  If the wetland assessment is completed in order to submit Water Act Applications it will be completed by a Qualified Wetlands Science Practitioner (QWSP), based upon the Alberta Wetland Policy which became effective June 1, 2016 for White Areas in Alberta. 

    • Water Act Applications – For any development that will have a direct adverse effect on a wetland a Water Act approval is required and compensation for loss of wetland area may be required. After completing a wetland survey we can complete and submit Water Act applications on your behalf.

    • Code of Practice Notifications (COP) – For temporary disturbance’s to wetlands along pipeline right-of-way (ROW) we can complete COP notifications prior to construction activities after completing a wetland assessment on the ROW.

  •  Enhanced Approval Procedure (EAP) Field Assessments: Our qualified personnel can conduct a field assessment and associated desktop review that provides all information required to submit an EAP application for pipelines on Crown land.  These assessments include a detailed review of the integrated standards and guidelines for the proposed project. A report can be submitted with all of the information required to submit an EAP application directly by the proponent or we can assist in the preparation and submission of the application directly for the proponent.   As a value added service we can do this in conjunction with a detailed Environmental Overview Assessment if you would like an additional pre-disturbance summary report for the project.

  • Environmental Field Review (EFR): For any projects falling outside of the EAP process that require completion of an EFR we can complete the required site assessment, desktop review, regulatory consultation and all reporting required to submit EFR applications. As a value added service we can do this in conjunction with a detailed Environmental Overview Assessment if you would like an additional pre-disturbance summary report for the project.

  • Environmental Reviews (ER) for Special Areas developments: The Special Areas Board requires an ER for each quarter section along all pipelines in their jurisdiction.  For pipeline right-of-way’s that fall within the Special Areas of Alberta we can complete and submit an ER for your development.  The need for a field assessment will be determined on a site by site basis based on the outcome a detailed desktop review of the site.  As a value added service we can do this in conjunction with a detailed Environmental Overview Assessment if you would like an additional pre-disturbance summary report for the project.